General terms of sales
Unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing and partially waived, these conditions shall apply fully to all offerings, sales and deliveries by Maîtres Robinetiers de France. The general conditions contained in any documents issued by the buyer shall be deemed to be unwritten, null and void.
Each order shall be drawn up on an order form bearing these general conditions. All orders shall be placed subject to the consent of Maîtres Robinetiers de France, which may decline them on legitimate grounds or condition them on special payment terms, particularly in the case of export sales. Acceptance or refusal shall be duly and promptly notified.
Our products may be modified or their sale discontinued at any time. All our catalogues, notices, advertising material or other documents shall be dated, and the technical details and other information contained therein shall apply to the products on sale at that date.
From the date they are fitted, our chrome-finished products shall be guaranteed for 5 years, while our other finishes shall be guaranteed for one year. The finishes marked with an asterisk (*) on our colour chart shall not be guaranteed. Wearing parts (cartridges, ceramic heads and thermostatic cartridges, etc.) shall be guaranteed for one year. Enamelled cast iron bathtubs and ceramic sanitary ware shall be guaranteed for five years. The same warranty shall apply to brass washstands and frames as our faucets.
The warranty shall cover material or manufacturing defects, subject to our products having been fitted in accordance with professional standards and our installation instructions. In such cases, following our written consent, the products shall be returned to our factory carriage paid. This warranty shall not apply in case of repairs made without our consent or by a party not authorized by us. However, the warranty shall not cover normal wear and tear. Under the warranty, we shall repair or exchange faulty products at our discretion, free of charge. The warranty shall not cover removal or refitting costs. Where a product has been repaired, the warranty period shall not be extended under any circumstances.
Our goods shall be invoiced at the prices applicable at the date of order.
Unless otherwise specified in writing, our invoices shall be payable by bank transfer or by cheque before delivery. No discount shall be applied for cash payments. All invoices must be paid on the date specified on the front of the invoice. Any payment after this date shall attract a penalty three times the legal interest rate. Additionally, in case of failure to pay an invoice on its due date, collection costs shall be charged at a minimum rate of €40. In case of non-payment, we shall be entitled to terminate the sale by operation of law and without prior notice, by registered letter. Non-payment of a single invoice on its due date shall automatically trigger the obligation to pay any outstanding balance on all other invoices. Where a buyer’s creditworthiness declines, including after dispatch or partial delivery of an order, we reserve the right to demand the buyer to provide the warranties we shall deem appropriate for the proper fulfilment of the commitments made.
We reserve the ownership of the goods until full payment of the price. All risks shall be borne by the buyer. Advance payments may be retained to cover possible losses on resale. Any default by the buyer in fulfilling the terms of payment of one or more invoices agreed with us shall be grounds for rescinding the sale, thereby entitling us to reclaim the goods sold in the contested transaction. In case of extension of a bill of exchange, the costs and interest ensuing from such extension shall be borne by the buyer.
All deliveries shall be made from our Château-Landon or Abbeville factories.
Delivery dates shall not be guaranteed.
Prices shall be free of postage and packing for Metropolitan France, excluding express couriers, for all orders above €450 net excluding VAT and weighting less than 30kg.
For orders below €450 net excluding VAT, a fixed price of €20 net excluding VAT must be added.
For orders delivered in Metropolitan France with a weight exceeding 30kg, a specific carriage fee shall be applied. These orders will be shipped on pallets.
A specific carriage fee shall be applied for the Margot sanitary ware shipped on pallets and Miroir Brot’s Ambiance and Prestige collections shipped in crates, kindly contact us.
Delays in delivery shall not be grounds for any compensation or cancellation of the order.
Goods shall be transported at the risk of the recipient, who shall be responsible for making any reservations in writing to the carrier upon receipt in case of damage or shortage, and for notifying, by registered letter within 48 hours of receipt, the carrier who shall be solely responsible for the carriage thereof.
Any complaints on the quality of goods, excluding any carriage-related dispute, must be made in writing within 48 hours upon receipt of the goods. No goods shall be returned without our written consent, which consent shall not imply any recognition of default on our part. The parts must be returned to us in the original packaging.
In case a part is missing, we shall not accept any claims 48 hours after the date of receipt of returned items.
Any complaints regarding Maîtres Robinetiers de France must be notified to us in writing within 48 hours of the date of receipt of the goods.
Any dispute shall be settled pursuant to the applicable laws and by the competent courts where the registered office of Maîtres Robinetiers de France (Paris) is located. These courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction even in the event of a third-party complaint involving Maîtres Robinetiers de France.
All faucets must be fitted by professionals in accordance with the “professional standards” applicable to premium-quality faucets.
The fitter’s attention is hereby drawn to the high quality of the faucets, particularly their premium-quality finishing. It is therefore recommended to use proper tools (especially those with synthetic tips).
In case of an incident:
Where a minor defect is found, it is the fitter’s responsibility to fix the problem (change a seal, cartridge, etc.).
Should we agree to replace a faucet or an accessory thereof, the fitter shall be responsible for fitting them without charging any additional payment.
Such services shall be considered as quid pro quo (trade-off) for the profit percentage awarded to the fitter.
The colour shades on the colour chart shall be presented as a rough guide only, as printing does not accurately reproduce the whole range of original colours.
The customer is hereby requested to confirm the colour against Maîtres Robinetiers de France’s new colour charts available with our dealers.
In its unswerving quest to enhance the technical and aesthetic qualities of its products, the manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary without prior notice. Photographs, illustrations and prices shall be stated as rough guides only and can be changed without notice. Despite all the due care taken in its production, this catalogue/price list shall not be construed as a contractual document.
Accepting returned faucets shall not be the rule.
A special commercial gesture may be considered for a standard faucet in chrome or nickel finish. A minimum discount of 15% shall be systematically applied. The faucets must be in perfect condition and in their original packaging. We shall not accept products returned directly to the factory. Our sales representative shall be responsible for checking the condition of the faucet, approving its return and confirming that it is actually returned to the factory.
Cristal et Bronze – May 2022